Prepare your project for the 4th call for Interreg Euro-MED projects
Get to know SMARTDEC (Smart Clusters for Maritime Decarbonisation)
Countdown to the 2nd call for Interreg SUDOE 2021-2027 projects
Registration is open for Europe, let’s cooperate! 2024, the Interreg Europe’s interregional cooperation forum
ESPON Call for Proposal “Atlantic Macro-Region” study
Approval of the INTERREG SUDOE Project ALERT-PFAS – Detection and prevention of water pollution by PFAS
CPMR promotes training in European Project Management
CCDR LVT I.P. Apllies to be recognised as a Regional Innovation Valley
Detection and prevention of pesticides in water by PFAS moves to the 2nd phase in INTERREG SUDOE
Final report of the OECD project ‘Rethinking Regional Attractiveness’ presented
Looking forward to starting the SMARTDEC adventure with you all!
Presentation of the Study Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
CCDR LVT Chairman was in a Seminar in Brussels to discuss the future of the Strategy for the Atlantic
International Cooperation for the Atlantic | CCDR LVT organizes na interactive session to listen to the territorial actors
CCDR LVT in the 50th General Assembly of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CRMP)
FoodLink – Network for food Transition in The Lisbon Metropolitan Area | Strategic Framework
FoodLink | Network for the Food Transition in the AML

Local Government


Regional Development (Strategic Planning)


Territorial Management (Planning)